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An Exploration on the Effect of Formative and Summative Assessment on Professional Development of Iranian EFL University Instructors

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Naser Janani

The purpose of this study was to examine whether the students’ formative and summative assessment had any significant effect on professional development of Iranian EFL instructors at universities. Therefore, the primary purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of formative and summative assessment but this time from the students’ point of view regarding their teachers’ performances. Teachers need to be evaluated not by somebody outside the system, but by those who live every minute, taste, smell, touch, every second, and enjoy or tolerate every moment of the classroom. It seems that the only person with these characteristics is the student or more precisely the students. On the other hand, teachers have to keep up dated based on the feedback they receive from their students. One way to check students’ feedback regarding methodology, teaching materials, syllabus, artifact, etc. is the formative and summative evaluation carried out by the students. The present study is qualitative/quantitative in nature and was conducted within the ethnography of Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch. To do so, two M.A classes were chosen and the data were collected via observations, field notes, interviews, stimulated recalls, questionnaires and audio-video recordings. The findings of this study suggest that the formative and summative assessment enhances the practices of teaching by university instructors and that the formative assessment is more effective and beneficial.

Conceptualization of Integrated Application for Importance of Each of Qualitative and Quantitative Method in Writing Research

53-61Full Text

Youssra Qassim Ali

Research in education systems is systematic investigation of phenomena to discover the truth which involves a combination of reasoning and experiences needed to find an appropriate research method for teaching and writing. Regarding terminology, quantitative research generally indicates that it produces numerical data; they are analyzed using statistical techniques, while qualitative research generates non- numerical data (images, words or objects) which are based on the processes of inquiry to the development of human problems understanding from multiple perspectives. The key purpose of research writing is to submit vital aspects of using qualitative and quantitative approaches and methods in educational research. Advantage, disadvantage and their role in conducting educational researches are central prerequisites for a final result, involving data collection, and analysis. On that basis, the excerpts relating to the subject matter of researchers` quotes that have multi -notions and views in collecting qualitative and quantitative fields would be analyzed with suggestions, recommendations to solve the manifold and complex problems facing us in the field of education.